Hang’em High (2016)
I’m about to open up a privatized for-profit prison company
Called Hang’em High,
I’ll target the Latinos, Blacks, and poor White kids,
You know, the small fries,
From the poor neighborhoods,
Destroy futures more than any lightsaber could,
We’ll make it our business to lock up your statistics,
Charge inmates $1.50 a minute to dial their seven digits,
Sock the government with a 400% markup,
How’s that for a startup,
Net $18,000 a year per prisoner,
Maybe in a year or three,
I’ll run for senator,
You call it corrupt,
I call it smart business,
Dig this,
As we stick the losers with public defenders,
Call them circus seals,
Who are far less likely to file an appeal,
And even less likely to win one…
Hang’em High,
Where our mission is to see our prison population multiply,
Hang’em High,
It’s the next best thing to seeing them fry,
Our operation is complex, yet as simple as a see-saw,
And if you listen carefully, you can hear the Yee-haw…
Hang’em High,
Where our mission is to see our prison population multiply,
Hang’em High,
It’s the next best thing to seeing them fry,
Our operation is complex, yet as simple as a see-saw,
And if you listen carefully, you can hear the Yee-haw…
(A few years later)
I once heard that when you’re in a war,
You’ll come to the realization that as human beings
Nothing is beneath us anymore,
Well that, and watching my profits soar,
We rely on the Fergusons in this country
To keep funneling in the miscreants,
They have no futures anyway,
Damn heathens are of no significance,
Label me an Uncle Tom,
I guess it depends on what you believe in,
By the way,
You wouldn’t believe with who, and where I’ll be sleeping…
Flew in a couple of high class socialites
Who like to please the pipe and get high as a kite,
Why, you ask,
Because I deserve this life,
While you idiots keep thinking prison isn’t a business,
I’ll be slurping orgasms down in the Caribbean…
Hang’em High,
Where our mission is to see our prison population multiply,
Hang’em High,
It’s the next best thing to seeing them fry,
Where our operation is as simple as a see-saw,
And if you listen carefully, you can hear the Yee-haw…